Is Microblading Painful And How Long Does It Last?

Can you remember a few celebrities whose eyebrows are famous as their names are? They have probably used the latest eyebrow technique known as microblading. If you have been plucking your brows throughout the years or you just want a fuller effect without having to fill them in every day, microblading is for you. And it’s not just for celebrities. You can even get microblading in Baltimore, and for a reasonable price!

The results of microblading are quite darker and filled in compared to another eyebrow technique. In fact, the method will give you incredibly good brows without having to put in the daily effort required to maintain your brows. This article answers the question of – Is microblading painful and how long does it last?

Microblading is a type of semi-permanent eyebrow makeup that is quite popular currently. The technique is performed using a handheld tool consisting of six to fourteen micro-needles. That is why the process is known as microblading. The technician will implant a pigment into the basal membrane of the brow area. The basal membrane divides the epidermis layer from the dermis layer of your skin.

The process will result in fuller brows that will last for 12-18 months with the right type of maintenance. Eyebrow tattooing is quite different from microblading since the former is performed with a motorized device and the latter with a handheld device. The handheld device (pen) is used to create hair strokes in the eyebrow area.

On the other hand, a microblading artist will use pigment instead of ink for the process. The pigment has a thicker texture while ink has a waterier texture. The pigment strokes are fine and crisp, and there is no spilling under the skin like with ink. That is why microblading is much more effective and aesthetically-appealing than eyebrow tattooing.

Does Microblading Hurt?

You will feel a little discomfort in the area. That is why the technician will apply a numbing cream before starting the process to minimize the discomfort felt during the process. In fact, the numbing cream is followed by a liquid anesthetic to minimize any pain during the process. So, you may feel a slight discomfort during the process but it is almost painless.

The first session will last for about two hours. The microblading artist will custom design the brow shape of the customer during this session. The bone structure, face shape, eye placement, and many other factors are taken into consideration when designing the brow shape.

Once the design is completed, the pigment choice is selected. Once the customer agrees on the design and pigment, the artist will use a numbing cream on the area. Most of the time, the customer is able to walk right out of the door and show off her new brows. The brows will soften within the next couple of weeks. A touch-up should be done after 4-6 weeks of the initial appointment. This is important to ensure that the pigment is locked into the epidermis.

How Long Does Microblading Last?

If you don’t touch the area often, microblading will last between 12 to 18 months. In fact, you have the option of changing your brow look every 12 to 18 months with this technique. You can change your eyebrows depending on the current trends. That is why microblading has become so popular with a majority of clients. Everyone is a candidate for microblading with a very few exceptions such as patients suffering from hemophilia, cancer, and hepatitis. You may require a note from your doctor before availing yourself of the treatment under such circumstances.

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Recy Wang
Recy Wang
Recy has a decade of experience doing permanent cosmetic treatments, including serving as a consultant for the renowned Fengguan Beijing Plastic Surgery Hospital. She loves helping women design the perfect makeup that gives them a full and healthy look.