Dog, Are You Making These 10 Training Mistakes?

If you own a dog, you should consider dog training Richmond. Dog training is part of your responsibility, whether you like it or not. It’s not something you do because you find it cute, it’s something you do because it is necessary. Unfortunately, many pet owners find it a struggle to train their dogs. More often than not, they end up exasperated, frustrated, and disappointed both in themselves and in their dog’s progress and performance.

While it’s true that dog training can be quite a challenge, if you have the patience and the right resources, you can be able to successfully train your dog by yourself! We’ve seen it happen to many pet owners who chose to train their dogs at home without the assistance of professional dog trainers. However, it needs patience, persistence, time, and commitment. If you don’t have any of these it would be best if you hire professional dog training experts.

One of the reasons why dog training fails is when you keep doing dog training mistakes. It’s important to be aware of certain dog training mistakes so you can avoid them. The sooner you avoid them the smoother your dog training sessions are going to be. Let’s find out what these are.

Top Dog Training Mistakes To Avoid

#1 When You Wait Too Long To Start Training

A lot of pet owners make the mistake of waiting until their dog is old enough or mature enough to train. There is no timeline for training. However, if you want to make your life easier, we suggest you train your pups but if your dog is already older and you haven’t done any training yet, don’t lose hope. You can start right away. Most pet owners start their training as early as 7 to 8 weeks old while they are still puppies. Regardless of age, when you get to read this and you haven’t taught your dog any commands or tricks, you should start now. Make your training sessions short, engaging, and positive.

#2 You Only Train Your Dog When You Feel Like It

For dog training to be successful you have to do it consistently. Many pet owners make the mistake of training their dog once a week but to compensate, they make it a lengthy session, which is absolutely wrong and not to mention ineffective. Dogs have to be trained daily because you want to incorporate these skills and form them into a habit that they get to do every single day. If you only do it once a week they’ll likely forget about it and all your efforts will be for nothing. Make it a point to train your dog daily for at least 5 minutes. Five minutes is better than nothing. Repetition is key to dog training success.

#3 Thinking All Dog Training Techniques Work For All Dogs

Every dog is unique. They are just like children. You have to get to know your dog a bit more so you can determine and identify what training strategy will work for your dog. Keep in mind that not all training techniques work for all dogs. It doesn’t hurt to do a trial and error to check what strategy works well with your pet. Just because one technique worked in your next door neighbor’s dog doesn’t mean it will work for yours.


Dogs have emotions and feelings just like humans do. When you train your dog, don’t be too harsh, which is why at the very start you have to be patient with your dog. Practice patience at all times because there are dogs that don’t get it right the first couple of tries. You need to be consistent and persistent until they get it right and when they do, generously praise your dog and don’t forget to reward it for its good work.

Nick White
Nick White
Nick White is the owner of Off Leash K9 Training. He has over 80 dog training franchise locations throughout the United States. He currently hosts the A&E show, America's Top Dog.