How Long Does Micropigmentation Last?

Androgenic alopecia is a genetic condition that affects men and women alike. When the condition affects men, it is known as male pattern baldness. A person suffering from this condition could begin to lose his hair as early as his teens. Hair transplant is an effective solution for this condition. It is a type of surgery that moves hair from an area that has hair to the affected area. But the surgery is quite expensive and isn’t the ideal solution for all people suffering from hair loss. That is where scalp micropigmentation Minneapolis comes in.

Hair loss affects millions of men across the globe. Hair loss is one thing and recovering from the condition is another thing. In fact, there is no room for half-baked solutions for hair loss. Micro-pigmentation is one of the most effective solutions for hair loss apart from hair regrowth or hair transplant surgery.

It provides a lasting solution for hair loss through camouflaging hair loss. In fact, this method is becoming quite popular as one of the most effective methods of concealing male pattern baldness. The best thing about this technique is that it could be implemented at any stage of the condition – whether it is the beginning, mid-phase, or the last stages of hair loss. That is why many people are trying out this method. You should definitely consider scalp micro-pigmentation if you suffer from hair loss due to whatever reason.

The length of time that the treatment could last may vary from patient to patient. But the treatment can vary anywhere between 6-8 years depending on factors such as how you protect the scalp when you go out in the sun or whether you have an oily or dry skin. You should always use an SPF 50 sunscreen when going out in the sun during the summer months. This will prevent the pigmentation fading over time. There would be a small degree of fading over the years. In fact, the fading isn’t dramatic and could be touched up during a one-hour session.

There are many other methods of prolonging the micro-pigmentation results. In fact, you should have an effective aftercare regimen to wash off the excess oil and dirt that build up on the surface of the skin. Dirt and oil can block the pores on the skin and cause a breakout of pimples – which can affect the pigmentation. Moisturizing the skin is another important factor to consider in this regard. Dryness will lead to cracked or flaked skin. When a lot of skin cells are shed, the micro-pigment can fade away very soon. A moisturizer will improve the condition of the skin and protect the pigment.

You should rely on a professional technician in order to benefit from this treatment. Such a professional will be able to create a high-quality micro-pigmentation work that is hard to detect. A professional technician will use quality ink and highly specialized tools to complete the job. That way the treatment will last for much longer than going to an average technician in the area. The pigment should be given time to heal – which takes about seven days. This is the best time for the pigmentation to settle into your scalp. The scalp may become itchy or dry during the middle of the first week of the treatment. Make sure that you don’t scratch the surface under such circumstances.

The aforementioned article provides information on how long does micro pigmentation really last. In fact, the treatment will last between 6-8 years depending on many factors.

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Angie Byboth
Angie Byboth
Angie Byboth-Malmin is a Certified Permanent Cosmetics Professional and owner of Permanent Makeup Arts. She has a B.S. degree in Bio-medical science that she blends with her natural artistic talents to be used in permanent makeup design.